Friday, May 22, 2009

Magic trick

My favourite how to video is the magic trick because it is really amazing how a bobby pin can unlock handcuffs. It is my favourite cause it's the only one I found interesting etc. The most important tip is when they say you have to bend the bobby pin both ways in order to unlock the handcuffs. If I were to add a tip it would be to show it from behind your back, because it wont be as easy from the front.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The last book in the universe author

1) Rodman Phillbrick was 27 when he published his first book. It had taken him eleven years to release the book he wrote at the age of 16.

2) I think what makes Rodman Phillbrick a good author is that when ever he writes a novel it keeps you interested. Also when you read chapters you just want to keep on reading because it's very entertaining and interested.

I chose Jordanna Brewster, for the proov girl a.k.a Lanaya because in the book she is beautiful. Also Jordanna is is really hot.

I chose to do the Pope for Ryter, because in this picture he looks crazy and that's what people call Ryter.

I chose to do Jaden Smith, Will Smith's son for little face because he's a little boy. He looks like he can be the character.

I chose to do George W. Bush for the monkey Boys, because they have no idea what's going on. Also they make thing's worse.

I chose Vin Diesel for Spaz, because he thinks he's tough and all. Also he doesn't follow orders which is how Vin is in his movies.

Friday, April 3, 2009


This is my word, that I have researched which was Anarchy which is basically Anarchism

The definition of Anarchism is a state of society with no form of law and governments.

Information about Anarchism

Pierre Joseph Proudhon of France, often called the father of anarchism became the first to make anarchism mass movement.

Terroristic anarchism began under the leadership of Mikhail Bakunin in Russia during the 1800's followers of this type of anarchism.Many anarchists throughout the world resorted to
revolution and assassination in the belief that terror would correct what they thought to be evil in society. they murdered heads of governments, including Czar Alexander II of Russia and President William McKinley, the US government passed a law barring anarchists from entering the country.

Kropotkin rejected the terroristicmethods of Bakunin but he also opposed to authoritative type of the communes, the state would be eliminated and society would be built on the communes. Which had existed in Feudal Russian society. Each commune would be a self sufficient commune.

Friday, March 27, 2009


The futureistics thing's that I noticed about the movie clip were the artificial owl, the giant closing blinds, the starship, very gigantic city, and the eye scanning machine to see how the women responds to the questions. This put's you in a thinking/relaxing mood because you need to think about the future and how it'll be like if we don't take care of it properly. The film maker sets the mood by making it a talking scene and see hows thing's are being done.

The types of thing's that might appeal to me about the neuromancer are that it is all anime cartoon like. It makes science fiction more interesting, and makes you want to get one of these books to see whats it's all about. Also the comments from people make the book sound spectacular.
This is Silver, he was an orphan, he lost his parents, becuase they were wanted so the government wanted them killed. Silver has been training all his 19 years on trying to survive on himself, while on the hunt for his parents killers. While growing up he had a rough life, until he found out he was very acrobatic and powerful. So no one messed with him.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Famous people in Advertising

This is my favourite advertisement because it did catch an eye. I would buy the ad because it is trying to sell Butterfinger chocolate bars. Also The Simpsons is an awesome TV show.My least favourite advertisement is when they are trying to promote cigarettes. This is my least favourite ad because smoking is bad for your health and really stupid.

I think that celebrities should earn what they get even though lots of people say its way to much. Most importantly I think celebs should earn what they endorse in.
Also when there is a major event like the Superbowl that's when the celebrities earn millions and millions. When the celebs sign a contract it shows how much they will be making
until its over. This is why I think celebs should make what they make.

Celebrities have a major influence on people because everyone wants to be a celeb. When ever a celebrity promotes a product to sell it will sell by how many people are fans of that actor or actress. I think celebrities have way to much influence on others because everyone thinks that you have to be just like them. When it's better just to be yourself instead of wanting to be like another person.

I think Micheal Phelps smoking an illegal substance is wrong because he is a multi-gold swimming winner. This is wrong because when an athlete is caught smoking an illegal substance

there career is ruined and basically over. Micheal got dropped from Kellogs because of smoking an illegal substance, but there are celebrities who have done major illegal things and still have
there career. So for Micheal doing one illgal thing shouldn't hurt anyone, so just give him a break.

I chose to do my famous person on will Smith, because he is my number one actor. The AD I chose for Will Smith to advertise is an action figure, I chose an action figure because he has kids and kid's love to play with toys.

Friday, February 27, 2009

My top 10

My number one superhero of the top 50 list of heroes and villains is Batman. My favourite hero is batman because he doesn't care about proper procedure, he fights crime his own way which is at night.

My favourite villain of the AFI top 50 list is the Terminator, even though he is considered as a hero as well. The Terminator is my favourite villain because he is a robot that is an unstoppable machine.

My favourite scientist of the top 10 list is Galileo Galilei, because he was the first to use a telescope to gather evidence proving the earth revolves around the earth. Due to his science, in his last eight years he had to spend his time under house arrest.

My favourite male actor is Samuel L. Jackson, because he is a great actor when he has the lead role in his movies. He keeps you entertained while watching his movies.

My favourite female actress is Sandra Bullock,because she keeps in character while acting. Also she can play any role.

My least favourite sports figure is Roger Clemens, because he is being accused of using steroids for baseball. Which is really stupid because in baseball you don't need steroids, you basically just need to no how to run base to base.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

My faceinhole blog

This is my favourite picture because it's hilarious and makes me laugh. This is my favourite picture because how I cropped my face to fit the place where my face is. This is why I chose this picture. I also chose because my face mathces the posture of Osama Bin Laden.

My picture turned out great, because my face is shaped perfectly. I was able to get the skin colour and contrast looks good for the faceinhhole picture. This was the best one I did because the others weren't suiting the other photos. This is my opinion on how my photo turned out.

What I think about Osama Bin Laden, is nothing because I don't care about him. I just chose his photo because I liked it and is very hilarious. This is what I think about my famous person I chose. He's not famous as in being on TV, he's famous for doing illegal thing's.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines Day

Valentine's Day is when a lot of married men are reminded what a poor shot Cupid really is.

This is my favourite Valentines Day quote because it shows humour. I also chose this because I didn't like the other quotes. This quote makes me think of men who don't want to buy anything special for there wife. It also shows that they moght have plans with there friends and just hang out. This is why this quote is my favourite.

The best gift to recieve on Valentines Day is probably a brand new car, so when you take your girl out, you'll be showing off your car to the public. This is what I probably think is the best Valentine's Day gift is. The worst Valentines Day gift I ever heard of was my friend said a poem to his girl, which is school innappropriate.

My ideal valentines Day with someone would be to go to a Chinese restaurant in Downtown, Toronto and go for a nice walk etc. and have a wonderful time with eachother.

My ideal Valentines Day if I was single is to just relax, chill with friends and have a good time. This is my ideal Valentines Day if I'm single

Friday, February 6, 2009

My Blog

Hey, my name is Rickey I go to E.C Drury highschool, I am in grade 11. My hobbies are working out, playing basketball, football, etc. My favourite type of music genres are rap and techno. I can't wait for this semester to be over because I am moving back to Toronto. Also I live with my best friend Dylan. My favourite television shows are "fresh Prince of Bel-Air", BET 106 & park. This is a bit about me.