Friday, April 3, 2009


This is my word, that I have researched which was Anarchy which is basically Anarchism

The definition of Anarchism is a state of society with no form of law and governments.

Information about Anarchism

Pierre Joseph Proudhon of France, often called the father of anarchism became the first to make anarchism mass movement.

Terroristic anarchism began under the leadership of Mikhail Bakunin in Russia during the 1800's followers of this type of anarchism.Many anarchists throughout the world resorted to
revolution and assassination in the belief that terror would correct what they thought to be evil in society. they murdered heads of governments, including Czar Alexander II of Russia and President William McKinley, the US government passed a law barring anarchists from entering the country.

Kropotkin rejected the terroristicmethods of Bakunin but he also opposed to authoritative type of the communes, the state would be eliminated and society would be built on the communes. Which had existed in Feudal Russian society. Each commune would be a self sufficient commune.

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